Prophet, “Will You Weep Again?” Prophetic Word.

My apostles and prophets find themselves in positions of spiritual compromise. They have used their gifts for social and ministerial advancement rooted in their own self-ambition. My prophets and apostles claim to be building for me, but they are building for their own glory.

Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment.

Philippians 1:15-17 ESV (emphasis mine)

God, through the word of Apostle Paul, clearly demonstrates that it is possible for people to “do” or “be in” ministry for the wrong motivations. How does this apply to our modern-day crises of a lack of emotional health within God’s leaders, His apostles and prophets?

When we do not deal with the brokenness in our own lives, we become vulnerable to walking in the calling from an impure place. The signs of this spiritual compromise that manifest emotionally:

  • burn out (continual exhaustion)

  • high turnover rates in our ministries

  • You suffer from emotional eating (this may or may not produce obesity in your life).

  • You do not have a consistent physical fitness routine to connect with God.

  • Your spiritual life is all about the building of your movement and your ministry, not abiding in Jesus.

  • You have received consistent feedback from family and friends that work (ministry) is more important to you than relationships. You don’t have any friends you trust with your pain.

  • You don’t have a Sabbath.

  • You feel personally responsible when people fail under your ministry.

God says,

I want my apostles and prophets to repent and come back to their first love.

I want my apostles and prophets to be unashamed of expressing their heart felt devotion to me, in the secret place.

I want my apostles and prophets to spend less time concerned with how the ministry will advance and more obsessed with washing My Feet each morning, day, and night.

I want to forgive my apostles and my prophets, but I patiently wait for their repentance so that I might receive them into My Arms again. I want to know them intimately again.

On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Matthew 7:22-23 ESV

I want to restore My Law, My Precepts, My Commandments in the hearts of my apostles and prophets again. For they have forgotten the first and greatest commandment.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

Do my prophets, do my apostles, love me with all their heart? No! They do not. They love me with their work, they love me with their ministry, they love me with their movement, but I don’t want “fruit baskets” (more ministry testimonies), I want hearts. I want their hearts first, not the hearts of those in their ministries.

This striving they are walking in is an old wineskin I no longer desire. Filthy rags, religious acts that are not pleasing offerings to me.

Do you not perceive it?

I want first love.

What is rest but an invitation back to first love?

Come lean on Me again. You used to depend on Me for everything, but now you rarely talk to Me. You’ve made an idol out of the spirit of wisdom I have given you. Come back to first love. More than you need wisdom, you need My Presence.

My prophets fear vulnerability. They don’t want to tell their stories. They don’t want to share what they went through. They want the power of the Apostle Paul, but they do not want his vulnerability, his weakness. He was not afraid to tell his story. He was not afraid to share his weakness. He was not afraid to confess the thorn in his flesh. He boasted in his weakness.

My prophets and apostles no longer know how to boast in their weakness.

They boast in their revelation, in their ministries, in their “fruit,” but no longer in their affliction, in their thorns, in their vulnerability.

Where are the prophets who will be vulnerable with me again?

Who are the prophets that will be weak before me and weep like the prophet Jeremiah?

I am searching for these prophets and apostles that captivate My Heart.

Pray! Pray for the restoration of My Weeping Prophets, for they captivate My Heart. They have My whole heart. I no longer desire the prophets and apostles who do not know what it means to weep in the face of affliction and suffering. I no longer desire the prophet who seeks to comfort themselves and self-soothe with food, media, and the entertainment of relationships.

I want the prophet who will stop with the compromise.

I want the prophet who can find contentment in the pit. I want the prophet who can learn to rejoice in the face of death. This is the prophet I desire. This is the prophet I am molding here at Covenant Consulting and within the Unapologetic Living Movement.

The weeping prophets,

the broken prophets,

the healing prophets.

Prophet, God does not want you to be afraid of your past. Your past does not disqualify you for your apostolic or prophetic assignment; it is the divine blueprint of God that has led you to this present moment of breakthrough. You are not born in a void or vacuum, but God raised you up for such a time as this. Until you learn to tell your story with all of its weakness and despair, you cannot rejoice, truly, in the depths of the fruit of ministry God has for you.

Rejoicing cannot come before weeping, just as Resurrection cannot come before death.

Prophet, will you weep with God again?

Prophet, will you weep with me again?

Prophet, will you weep with God again?


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